

The term "negligence" refers to the failure, through omission of act, to perform as a reasonable, ordinary, and prudent person would perform.  Consideration is given to the specific situation, circumstances, and knowledge of the parties involved.

NMHPA is a federal law that forbids group health plans that provide benefits for hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth for a mother or newborn child from restricting benefits for such stays to less than 48 hours following a vaginal delivery or to less than 96 hours following a cesarean section.

The term "NMHPA" means the Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act.

Non-discrimination rules are the requirements in Section 105(h) of the IRC, which state that self-funded employee benefits plans must not provide significantly greater benefits to higher paid employees and owners than to lower paid employees.  Although some disparity is permitted, there are limits which, if crossed, result in the benefits being deemed taxable income to the beneficiaries.  Similar rules apply to flexible spending plans and pension plans.

Related Terms: Internal Revenue Code

Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), the Notice of Privacy Practices is a notification that describes a covered entity's privacy practices for private health information (PHI), including the uses and disclosures of PHI that the covered entity may make, individuals' rights with respect to their PHI, and the covered entity's legal duties with respect to the PHI.